SalesPro - Web App Design

SalesPro Web App that enables all admin users to effectively control sales and monitor them in one central place while helping teams to reach sales goals through detailed analyses of sales performance.

My Role

Here is an overview of my role, tools used and timeline involved in designing the Mobile App.

  • Design Strategy and User FlowsLowfi
  • Wireframes and Brand Identity
  • Visual Designs and Design System
  • I used Figma for design and delivery for Product Design.
  • I used Illustrator for Brand Design and Mockups.


Our task was to completely overhaul a product that delivers crucial information to users in highly critical life situations. Our goal was to ensure it was not only extremely secure but also incredibly user-friendly for individuals

In contrast to competitors who present information in plain text, we boldly chose to adopt a demanding approach, combining straightforward instructions with vivid illustrations, adhering to the principle that a single image can convey the meaning of a thousand words. of all ages.

Case Study From Start To End!

Here is the final product below! Open for new projects which are challenging and impactful.
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